Active windows feature

2 min readDec 2, 2020

Our last version now added the ability to see all open windows and tabs in the dashboard.
I’m hoping this will remove the inconvenience of working with multiple windows. Now you can bring the hidden windows to the front by double clicking on the window name(by default they are named Unsaved Window but you can change that). If you click on a tab here it instantly takes you to that specific page, so no more looking for that one tab among many.

If you drag & drop or close any tabs on the dashboard that change is also immediately reflected on the actual windows.

Lastly, some users wanted to be able to save their tabs without closing them. The extension drop down doesn’t give you this ability but now you can save your tabs into individual folders inside the Active Windows view.

Please send us your suggestions or bug reports from inside the dashboard via Feedback button and we really appreciate a good review here.

